Sunday, September 29, 2013


Fukushima is a city in Japan that held nuclear power. After an earthquake, the nuclear plant was under a state of emergency as it caused the cooling system to become dysfunctional. In a nuclear power plant, the cooling system is vital to everything involving the plant, and the world outside the plant. Cool water enters the reactor, and it goes through a constant loop. It cools off the building, and turns to steam. Then it moves and becomes water again, and cools down again then moved back to cool down the building. Without this system, the reactor would overheat, causing leaks or explosions, even. Nuclear power is extremely unstable and inconsistent.
The government told everyone it would not leak, but they still evacuated for safety precaution. Since then, they have began work on restoring the cooling system, but it's very difficult work. The first power plant exploded due to the makeshift cool down system not working,you can find the effects and more here. There was a second blast at the first power plant, and there was a lot of radiation released. A US aircraft carrier passed by the power plant and the people on the deck have been recorded to have received a month's worth of radiation in an hour.
After this explosion it is clear that nuclear power can be a huge issue. The radiation released is unbelievable, and "if inhaled or swallowed, will concentrate in the thyroid gland where it can accumulate and cause cancer in a few years. Low doses can reduce the activity of the gland, and make it produce lower levels of hormones. The Threat is more serious in children, who have more active thyroids" (Ian Sample). 

Since then, limits of nuclear power have been discussed, and those who have been informed are against using nuclear power. But the public is not completely informed, and most do not see a problem. Most people do not see how much radiation is released, or that radiation is being released at all and, therefore, are completely okay with nuclear power and feel that it should be used for everything.

Kaitlynn's View:

I did a lot of research on this topic. In high school, my Environmental Chemistry class spent a great deal of time on Fukushima and what was currently happening in the world because of it. I've always found these things interesting, and I enjoy learning about it. It's just so surprising that one minor thing can cause such a huge chain reaction, and such a huge impact of people, not only in japan, but also on the other side of the world.

Joe's View:

It is mind boggling that TEPCO (Japanese Power Company) would not only locate this plant on the coast, but  not even take all preventative measures needed to prevent a devastating mishap. In the event of a natural disaster such as a serious earthquake that could set off tsunamis, which by the way, are common in this region, there needs to be more attention to detail and preparation especially focusing on an already dangerous radiation/uranium abundant nuclear power plant in an already poor location, no matter what the price. Yes there were back up generators that failed due to excessive water damage. Is it just me, or should of been a backup to the backup, and just maybe another backup generator. One of the richest corporations in the world can not develop technology to cover there own risk therefore acknowledging the environment around them? Should there of been more thought and funds allocated toward some form of an emergency coolant system in event of a tsunami disabling power?  A prime example of a big corporation cutting serious corners as a result of greed, unfortunately, a the expensive of the environment, similar to BP before the oil crisis in the gulf......
 I encourage all of you to look further into the Fukushima disaster and how it could of been prevented, radiation and its risks to society, and the ramifications of Fukushima  and its future risk.


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