Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fukushima Update

Rather being on the front page of every major publication, the common citizen barely hears of Fukushima. Two and a half years later, this crisis is still alive, and some believe, far from a permanent resolution. Struggling to gain control over the escalading leak situation, TEPCO has recently acknowledged for the first time that groundwater was carrying radioactive isotopes into the ocean. Tell us something we don’t know already! A rise in groundwater is a result of TEPCO trying to pump water beneath the reactors underground in attempt to cool the fusion cores believed to be sunken bellow. As a result this water must go somewhere; unfortunately it is finding seems to the nearby ocean at a more exceeding pace originally induced by the structural damage on the reactors.

Within the last month in a half, Japan has committed to constructing a 300 million dollar “Ice Wall” around the site, in an attempt to barricade all cores and radioactive waste alike. It is great to see an attempt to suffocate the spill, but scientists and engineers believe this is an unrealistic solution.

 Ken Buesseler has recently denied the notion of this wall being a long term solution saying “There are some engineering proposals to try and divert the water, or block the water. It’s very hard to dam a river because it’s going to go around the dam or over the dam. They’re having the same problems between the reactors and the ocean, and now they’re talking about even larger engineering structures. One kilometer ice dams, freezing the soil essentially to divert water around the site. That might reduce the total number of tanks you’d need, it doesn’t necessarily stop the leaks at all because they still would be applying water to cool those reactors” Ken Buesseler, Senior Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute


Most importantly engineers must pacify this deadly leak. Alarmingly the last two and a half years has resulted in 83,000 evacuees still unable to return home. Even more alarming is the estimated 300 tons of contaminated water that is flowing into the ocean every day. 300 Tons! Obviously this is an immediate and devastating concern. It gets worse. Potentially the worst has yet to come.

Three reactor cores are missing, meaning they are believed to have sunk deep beneath the ground below.

Radiated water has been leaking from the plant in mass quantities for 2.5 years at a pace of roughly 300 tons a day. With the attempted cooling of the cores underground the flow of radioactive water has been increased…

Eleven thousand spent nuclear fuel rods, perhaps the most dangerous things ever created by humans, are stored at the plant and need to be removed, 1,533 of those are in a very precarious and dangerous position. Each of these three could result in dramatic radiation events, unlike any radiation exposure humans have ever experienced. If the extraction where to go wrong, an apocalyptic like event would possibly ensue. Roughly 40 million citizens would have to be evacuated from nearby Tokyo.


Being that many have no idea what is transpiring of the Fukushima issue on the other side of the world, we have both decided that posting our blog on our Facebooks could prove to be effective. Having others spread the word through theirs as well, will only spread the awareness of this burning issue..
We stumbled across a petition on facebook asking the UN to intervene. We ask that everyone participates for a good cause!



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