Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Joe's Interview

I thought it would be interesting to interview my uncle Adam, whom is one of the more keen people I have ever met when it comes to current events regarding politics and burning issues globally.

Q : How do you feel about what has transpired around the Fukushima controversy since the earthquake in 2011?

A: Humans and Mother Nature can concoct powerful formulas for disaster. It is tragic but not surprising that the government would lie about such a damaging concept. It has brought to light the incredibly high radiation levels at even undamaged Nuclear facilities and highlighted the governments misleading the masses about the true amounts of radiation levels around the world.

Q: Why is not surprising that the government would lie?

A: A prime agenda in government is to ensure the people are calm. Panic would outbreak if the truth about the radiation not only at Fukushima, but across the globe was released. I think these levels are higher than what is reported, and studies have shown this to be alarmingly true.

Q: How can these truths be placed under the public spotlight.

A: Unfortunately government controls major media outlets so the only way I can see there being a drastic movement is if independent studies are continually conducted and backed by a heavily funded private organizations. These studies have happened, and have shown discrepancies in radiation numbers compared to what the government is reporting at all nuclear sights.

Q: What do you think the future source of power is in our world?

A: Ideally wind turbines would be the most environmentally appeasing, but it is unrealistic being the sensitive budget, and blind eye being turned when looking at the conflicts we are creating on our deteriorating planet. Natural Gas is my best guess.

It was interesting to hear my Uncle's take on radiation levels across the globe at undamaged plants. He feels we are being lied to consistently throughout the years, which if true is frightening. Not noted in our discussion, but he mentioned  the Chernobyl Disaster 1986, another major nuclear disaster involving an enormous explosion in Ukraine, in which first begin sparking research on radiation levels that eventually ended up forgotten in todays time. Hopefully, Fukushima will not be forgotten twenty years from now...

Educate yourself on Chernobyl Further!  http://environment.about.com/od/chernobyl/p/chernobyl.htm

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